While estate planning is not something people like to think about, it is an important topic. An estate planning attorney, can help you customize your will. A custom-designed last will and testament ensures that it will be easy to read and well organized, both of which are important. At the time of the reading of your will, your loved ones will be in mourning; therefore, making your will and testament easy to understand is essential. Furthermore, by developing a personalized estate plan, your estate planning attorney can make sure that your assets and life’s savings cannot be taken by the creditors of your beneficiaries.
Your estate plan should include more than just your last will and testament. While one individual may need several different trusts as well as a will and last testament, others may only need a single trust with a will and testament. As experienced estate planning lawyers, we can help you decide the best plan for your estate’s unique circumstances. Furthermore, even though Missouri does not collect estate and inheritance taxes, there could be federal taxes that need to be paid as well as taxes to another state.
Other issues we can address at Tanksley & Smith, LLC, include preparing health care directives and powers of attorney documents. With these documents, you can arrange for someone you trust to take care of your affairs should you ever become mentally incapacitated.
If you have not created your estate plan and you live in or around Southeast Missouri, contact our office today at (573) 204-3932 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys. The Tanksley & Smith, LLC, office is located at 1129 East Jackson Boulevard in Jackson, Missouri.