In the event of an employment dispute, you may need assistance from an attorney who is familiar with employment law. The attorney you choose should have knowledge related to the current federal and state labor laws, and regulations as well as the various federal agency rules and organizations, including the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).
If you are an employee, meeting with an experienced employment lawyer can make a difference in whether you recover compensation for your lost time and damages, or receive no compensation whatsoever for your losses.
Similarly, when an employer is faced with a litigation claim, seeking legal representation from experienced employment law attorneys that are familiar with the employee and employer aspects of these laws is essential.
- Wrongful Termination
- Defamation
- Wage and Benefit Disputes
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Family and Medical Leave Issues
- Health and Safety in the Workplace
- Whistleblower Protections
An employment lawyer will review the merits of the employee’s/employer’s complaint and then recommend the next course of action. Also, our employment law attorneys can help protect employers from additional employment dispute claims.
Whether you are an employee or an employer in or around Southeast Missouri who is in need of an employment lawyer, Tanksley & Smith, LLC, can help. Contact the office today at (573) 204-3932 to schedule your consultation. The Tanksley & Smith, LLC, office is at 1129 East Jackson Boulevard in Jackson, Missouri.